Just recently, I was listening
to some preaching, and the pastor made the statement that our lives are a mix
of joy and sadness. When I look back over the last six months, this is so true.
Joy and João Carlos were married in December. It was a time of happiness and
family being all together. Then a few months later Dad is gone and we are left
exhausted and sorrowful. Looking back at these events, from one point of view
the hardships outweigh the happiness, but the pastor didn't stop when he said
our lives are a mix of joy and sadness, he went on to say that God in His
infinite wisdom and abundant graciousness to us is the one that mixes just the
right portion of joy and sadness in our lives for His glory and for our
ultimate good. This has been a comforting thought to us again and again!
I am going to do my best in this post to tell you a little about this mix of events in the order that they
happened. My hope is that in the end this post will be a comfort and not a
source of pain.
Joy with her cow dishtowels! |
I don't remember the exact
month, but in the first part of last year João Carlos asked Joy to be his wife.
She happily agreed and they set the date for Dec. 6th. The months that came
between Joy’s engagement and wedding were few and very busy. Joy quickly set to
work choosing a simple wedding dress and finding a seamstress to make it,
ordering a cake, and making the invitations by hand. She did all that along
with acquiring and organizing all the little things that are necessary for
making a house a home. As part of this organizing of basic things for the
kitchen, bedroom, etc…, Joy opened and sorted through her hope chest. Joy
collected cows during her teens and twenties, and we developed the habit during
those years of giving her cow refrigerator magnets every birthday and often
other days throughout the year too! :) This collection of magnets came to light again when Joy
opened her hope chest. It was good to see all different little cows again. Even
the refrigerator magnet of a piece of beef stuck on a skewer was still there,
and once again I affirmed to Joy that it DEFINITELY DOES count as a cow magnet
and once again, she strongly said IT DOES NOT!!! :) In her hope chest, Joy also found some Tupperware
decorated with cows, and about twenty-five dishtowels, each with a different
cow pattern!
Painting the "books" |
During these weeks immediately
following Joy and João Carlos’ engagement, I began working on the cake topper. Joy
and João both like to read and in fact some of their first contact with each
other was through the online bookstore that Joy runs, so I had the creative
idea of making a stack of miniature books with a bride and groom on top for the
cake topper. A stretch of trials and
many errors quickly taught me that having a creative idea is much, much easier then
figuring out how to make the idea a reality!!! :) In the end, I was able to take three small squares of
styrofoam and cover them with cold porcelain, which is a soft white dough made
from cornstarch and glue. Once the porcelain was dry, I painted each of the
squares to look like a book that Joy and João had read together.
Finished cake topper |
Last of all, I
varnished the books, glued them in a stack and then glued a bride and groom
that I bought off the internet on the very top. The finished cake topper worked
out to be a little too heavy to sit on top of the cake, so I ended up
decorating the top of the cake with some flowers and then setting the cake
topper surrounded by greenery and more flowers next to the cake. It looked
nice, and now Joy has the cake topper sitting on an end table in her living
On October 11th,
Stephanie hosted a bridal shower for Joy. Stephanie did a very good job
Charity and Joy |
a delicious variety of finger foods and preparing some games for the guests. We
played probably four or five games, including having a bubble gum chewing
contest with the younger participants, but I think the favorite game was the
question game. Stephanie thought up a list of very hard questions for Joy to
answer about João, and for every answer that Joy got wrong, she and one of her
guests had to dress up in funny hats, scarves, glasses, etc.. and have their
picture taken. Thankfully Joy missed enough questions to have a funny picture
taken with each of the guests. :)
Bridal Shower Guests |
A month and a bit before the
wedding, Joy and João found a house to rent. Well, they actually found two
houses. The first house was two blocks away from where João works as a computer
programmer. The house had a nice sized yard, was on a quiet street, and
although it’s layout was a little unusual, it seemed to be just what they
needed. However, shortly after João did the paperwork to have the water turned
on, they found that the house’s plumbing was terrible. Water seeped into
several rooms of the house and the owner’s attempts to tell them that it was a
very minor problem and nothing to worry about were not convincing, so Joy and
João went back to house hunting. A week or two later, they found the blue house
where they are currently living. This house is also within walking distance of
João’s job. It’s yard is smaller then the first house, but since all Joy and
João have is a cat this is no problem. This house has three bedrooms and meets
Joy and João’s and the book store’s needs very well. One curious thing about
this blue house is that it is on a very old street. According to Joy’s neighbor,
back when Presidente Prudente was very young, people put up rows of houses in
this neighborhood and then some time later roads were put in between the houses.
This caused several of the roads in the neighborhood, including Joy and João’s
road, to be very narrow, so narrow in fact that if you are going to park along
the street while you visit Joy, you have to pull up your car on the sidewalk so
that other cars can very carefully creep past on the street.
Joy and João's Wedding |
From the very start, Joy and
João wanted an outdoor wedding, and since their wedding date was in December,
which is one of the driest months of the year, no one thought there was any
need to worry about rain. Joy and João found a very nice “chacara” to rent for
the big day. This chacara had a nice big yard, a variety of trees, a swimming
pool, and a small building with bathrooms, a small kitchen and a place to
barbecue. The plan was to set up chairs on the grass between two rows of trees
and do the wedding right outside. Around the middle of November though, it
started to rain and it rained practically every day until the day right before
the wedding.
Civil Wedding |
December 5th, the day
before the wedding, Joy and João had their “casamento civil”, this is where the
bride and groom and four witnesses, in this case David and I, João’s sister
Jackie and his Uncle João, went to the
government office downtown and signed the official paperwork and marriage
license. Joy and João were actually supposed to have this “civil wedding” at
three that afternoon, but the couples before them were running late and Joy and
João had to wait until about 4 p.m. to have their turn. This delay worked out
very well in the end, because João had secretly ordered a big bouquet of red
roses to be delivered to Joy at the government office and the delay gave the
roses time to be delivered. The florist’s delivery boy, who was rather harried
from running late, rushed into the waiting room at the government office
holding the large bouquet of red roses, and took a minute or two to look
around. I am sure in that small space of time several of the other brides in
the room wondered if the roses were for them, but they weren’t. The delivery
boy said “Joy? Where’s Joy?” and as soon as he found her, he gave her the roses
to her pleasant surprise. Following the civil wedding, we had João and his
family over to our house for dinner, and of course cake and icecream.
The Extended Gardner Family |
Joy and João’s wedding day
dawned sunny and dry, even the grass dried, and João with some help from
Daniel, David, and Ben set the chairs and pulpit up between the trees. A few
hours later Mom, Dad and I arrived to put out the flowers and to organize the
snacks and cake for after the ceremony. It was right about this time, which was
only an hour before the wedding was to begin, that I learned a lesson which
will stick with me for the rest of my life, and that is: always make sure the kitchen is clean before the wedding!
Joy and João with His Parents |
The man
Joy and João rented the chacara from guaranteed them that the chacara would be
clean when they received the keys. Sounds good right? Well, when I arrived at
the chacara with the responsibility to organize and serve the food after the
wedding, I opened the kitchen door and found the kitchen in a mess. Everything was dusty, a soft drink had spilled
onto the tables and dried there, and there were flies galore. I just about
panicked at that moment and told myself that the next time I go to a wedding I
must check the state of the kitchen well beforehand! So, if any of you ever
invite me to your wedding and before the ceremony you find me poking around in
the kitchen with a cleaning cloth, please bear with me. :) Thankfully, Mom came to
my rescue and together we managed to clean things up and by the time the guests
were driving up, everything was ready.
The Vows |
Joy and João wanted and planned out
a very simple but tasteful ceremony. To begin the ceremony, Stephanie played
the piano, and we sang hymns that Joy and João had chosen. Following the hymns,
Benjamin preached about the fear of the Lord and how it is the responsibility
of every individual, married or not, and also how it is essential in a
marriage. Benjamin then had Joy and João come to the front and exchange vows.
And just like that my little sister was married! Following the ceremony, we had
a good time snacking on the munchies and cake and also taking pictures! Jackie,
João’s sister, and also Daniel and Sabrina are amateur photographers, so they
pulled out their cameras and started clicking away.
Mr. and Mrs. João Carlos Fachini |
Due to the weeks of rain before Joy and João’s wedding,
their honeymoon was quite as adventure. :) Joy and João had us over one evening for a time of singing around the piano and
pudding cake. It was quite enjoyable! While we were eating, Joy and João
started telling us about their honeymoon and they both kept bursting into
laughter. They were married on a Saturday evening, but didn't leave for the
farm (this is a farm that João's Dad manages) where they would be honeymooning
until the following Monday. The three hour trip out to the farm went fine until
they turned off onto the dirt roads leading through the fields up to the
farmhouse. There had been a lot of rain in those parts recently, and the roads
were muddy. João was able to avoid getting stuck in the mud until they were
about a mile from the house, then they got stuck really, really well. But as
João said he wasn't too worried about it because there was a tractor working in
the next field. Sure enough the tractor driver was happy to help, but he didn't
have any chain or rope to pull the car out. No problem, João thought, there is
rope at the farmhouse, so the tractor driver agreed to drive him to the
farmhouse and off they went with Joy staying in the car and João hanging onto
the side of the tractor. Once they were at the farmhouse, João found the
grounds keeper and asked him for rope. We don't have any, he said gruffly and
went back to his own business. João said the grounds keeper didn't even offer
to help them find something that would work! João was undaunted, though, and
remembered that there was another house about a mile away on the farm where
they might have rope, the only problem was that due to an impassible cattle
guard the tractor couldn't take him there. So, João alternately ran and walked
to the other house, found rope and then ran the mile back to the tractor. He
then once again hung on the side of the tractor all the way back to the car. He
was covered in mud by then, but the car was soon free and they made up to the
farmhouse without further problems.
Joy and João after the Civil Wedding |
Once at the farmhouse, Joy and João went to
the room that the grounds keeper's wife had fixed up for them. When they opened
the door, they found that it was all wet. Apparently the roof had sprung a leak
during the rain and no one had noticed. Joy and João where able to find another
room down the hall that would meet their needs, and they set about getting
ready to shower, after all they were both really tired and João was muddy. They
soon found out that the heating element in the shower of their bathroom had
burnt out, and they spent a few minutes checking the other guestroom bathrooms
to see if those showers were heating and they weren't. João then remembered
that his Dad had a bathroom in the manager's quarters and he figured the shower
in there would be working. So they headed over there, only to find that the
door was locked. To make a long story short, they spent a long time looking for
the key, but eventually found it and were able to take a warm shower. That was
the first day. The second day Joy and João decided to take a relaxing walk down
to the pond, and as they walked some type of insect bit Joy thirty plus times.
Joy itched quite a bit they next day or two, but she said things went much more
smoothly after that. Joy and João laughed soooo much as they told us all of
this, and I am glad they can laugh. They will probably laugh every time they
tell the story of their honeymoon from here on out. :)
Zoo Puzzle |
During the whole year of 2014,
Dad didn’t do very well. Again and again problems would arise, often related to
his ability to swallow or his digestive tract, and we were constantly doing
exams or seeing different doctors to try and understand what was going on and
learn how to deal with it. Well, after Joy’s wedding, we noticed Dad began to
gradually grow weaker. During the rest of the month of December he had serious
problems swallowing, even creamy soups and other soft foods were enough to make
him choke at almost every bite. On a side note, during the week of Christmas
and New Years, Mom, Dad and I put together an 1,000 piece puzzle. Most of the
puzzles we have done over the years have been animals or landscapes, with an
occasional painting thrown in. Well, this puzzle was VERY different. It was a
colorful, humorous drawing of a zoo made by a Dutch cartoonist! Since the
puzzle had a lot of little details which made it easier to tell where the
pieces went, it took us only a little over a week to put it all together, and
Dad especially seemed to enjoy working on it. :)
Daniel, Dad and Arthur |
In January of this year, Dad’s
swallowing difficulties subsided a little, but his complaints about digestive
problems increased. Most of the time he didn’t have an appetite, and constantly
mentioned heart burn, nausea and an uncomfortable feeling of fullness. Our
general doctor introduced us to a very good gastroenterologist, and he was able
to help Dad find some relief from the heart burn, and although, he couldn’t
resolve the sensation of fullness, he did prescribe a nutritional supplement
for Dad to drink on days that he didn’t feel like eating, and this ended up
being a big help to Dad. During this time, Dad continued to enjoy giving
seminary classes in his office and also playing games. :) Just about every Monday,
Mom, Dad and I battled it out over the Scrabble board and during the week at
Dad’s request, we would play dominoes, Skip-bo, and on the list could go…..and
just in case you are wondering, yes, Dad did win most of the time! :)
Dad |
Dad’s digestive problems
gradually worsened and he grew weaker as February slipped by and March arrived.
Along with the now common digestive complaints, Dad began to look noticeably
yellow and soon developed all the usual symptoms of jaundice. We visited Dad’s
primary caregiver, an oncologist by the name of Dra. Paula, several times and
explained to her Dad’s increasing weakness and jaundice, but for a reason we
still do not understand, she didn’t take steps to look into the situation. She
would say oh he’s fine or here in three or four weeks we will do such and such
exam. This was quite frustrating, but the Lord graciously provided Dad’s needs
through another channel. David gives private English classes and one of his
students is an excellent oncologist by the name of Dr. Luiz Bugalho. David
mentioned Dad’s situation to Dr. Luiz and he immediately took an interest in
Dad and offered to do all he could to help. Dr. Luiz quickly took over Dad’s
case, and in the last week of March he had us running all over town helping Dad
do different exams.
Daniel holding Arthur, David, and Ben |
The results of the exams were
sobering. The Multiple Myeloma was back and busy in Dad’s ribs and sternum, and
the jaundice was caused by a large tumor wrapped around Dad’s pancreas and
blocking the liver ducts. Dr. Luiz was thankfully very honest. He counseled
David to call the family together, and also suggested that he do exploratory
surgery to see if he could relieve the pressure on the liver ducts and allow
them to drain the bile as they should. This would alleviate some of Dad’s
symptoms and hopefully make his last three or four weeks more comfortable.
Sabrina and Charity with Arthur |
The Lord abundantly blessed with
Benjamin and Daniel and Sabrina being able to come to Presidente Prudente before Dad had surgery on
April 7th. For a few days
before the surgery and also a few days after the surgery, Dad was in a
government paid room at the hospital, and there were several other men that
shared the same room. In the bed across from Dad, there was a retired policeman
named Alex. He had congestive heart failure and was waiting for a heart
transplant. Of all the men, I think Dad enjoyed talking to Alex the most, and
later even after Dad was moved to a private room, Alex would come by to see how
Dad was get along.
Mom with Arthur |
Dad had surgery early on April 7th
and he came through the surgery better then we expected, but Dr. Luiz
discovered that not only was it impossible to relieve the pressure on Dad’s
liver and the bile ducts, but the tumor on the pancreas had already
metastasized and there were hundreds of tiny tumors all over the inside of
Dad’s abdomen. Due to his weakness and the medicines that he needed to take via
IV, Dad was not able to come home after the surgery, but Ben, Daniel and David
worked up a schedule so that Dad was never alone at the hospital and this also
allowed each family member to spend time with him. The boys always spent nights
with him. I think they were selfish and didn’t want to share the uncomfortable
sofa with us girls. :) In the morning between 6:30 and 7, Mom would go up to the hospital
and be there until almost 11 a.m.,
when I would change with her and stay until visiting hours began at 3 p.m. One
of the boys would then come up and be with Dad during visiting hours, and later
in the evening, that boy would be replaced by whichever boy was going to spend
the night. João Carlos and Joy had different schedules due to João’s job and
their responsibilities caring for the church, so instead of helping out every
single day, they would just pop in at the hospital whenever they could to talk
with Dad and give whoever was staying with him the opportunity to step outside
and gets some fresh air. Sabrina, Daniel’s wife, and little Arthur their son,
were also with us during this time. Sabrina was a big help putting meals on the
table and keeping the house in decent order. Arthur did an outstanding job of
making us smile day in and day out with his antics. :)
Visiting Hours |
The first week after the
surgery, Dad was very alert. We watched movies with him, read out loud, and
talked a lot. One time while I was there, Dad held my hand and said that he was
ready to go and be with the Lord. He said he saw that he needed to submit to
the Lord in death. This is always going to be a treasured memory for me! The
following week, Dad stopped talking as much, began sleeping more and his mind
was not as clear.
Ben Preaching |
On April 23rd, soon after I began my turn staying
with him, Dad started randomly talking. He would say a word or two in English
and then a completely unrelated phrase in Portuguese. This delirium was constant
from that point onward, there were a few brief moments when Dad opened his eyes
and recognized whoever was with him, but for the most part, he didn’t respond
to us and when he wasn’t sleeping, he was speaking deliriously. On April 24th,
Ben had the afternoon and early evening shift, and shortly after 6p.m.
Dad simply stopped breathing. His pain, discomfort and limitations were over,
and he was with the Lord.
Graveside |
Here in Brazil, the
funeral must take place within 24 hours of the death. Ben, Daniel, and David
had already prepared beforehand as much as they could for the visiting hours
and funeral service, so as soon as Dad passed away, they went to work
finalizing everything. We were all exhausted after Dad’s lengthy hospital stay,
so the boys scheduled the funeral to take place between noon and 4 p.m on April
25th. The visiting hours began at noon, the service took place at 3
p.m. and the burial was immediately afterwards.
A Moment for the Family |
One little detail, I really
appreciate regarding Dad’s funeral was that Dad was wearing a dark blue shirt
and the boys went the extra mile to have green, yellow and white flowers
covering the body, as is customary to do here in Brazil, and also in the
arrangements. Dad loved Brazil
and Brazilians. He told us several times that he wanted to be buried in Brazil, and the dark blue, white, yellow and
green are Brazil’s
national colors. Often when I looked at Dad during the funeral, I would
remember how he enjoyed teaching people about Brazil’s colors and their meaning.
We kids heard Dad tell people about Brazil’s colors so much that we
often beat him to it. We would secretly tell people what the green, yellow,
blue and white of Brazil’s flag represented, so that when Dad would pull out
the flag and say “Would anyone like to guess what the green on this flag
means?”, everybody already knew the answer. :) Laughter always followed as Dad realized that we had
beat him to it once again! I am very thankful for good memories!
Pallbearers |
Many friends, pastors that Dad
knew and brethren from churches that Dad worked in over the years came to the
funeral. Ben, Daniel and David conducted the service together. Ben preached a
very good message about how for the Christian to live and also to die is
Christ. Our lives and our deaths shouldn’t be about personal accomplishments or
an undying legacy, but their focus should be serving and exalting Christ. Daniel and David each prayed
during the service.
Closing the Grave |
The funeral home where we had
the visitation and service was right in front of the cemetery so as soon as the
service was over, Ben, Daniel, David, João Carlos and two Brazilian pastors
carried the coffin to the hearse and we walked behind it to the grave site. At
the graveside a Psalm was read and we sang a hymn, and that was it.
The Cemetery |
Presidente Prudente has two cemeteries. One is very old and the graves are
often above ground. The family buys a plot and then builds a cement cover over
the plot. Some of these cement covers are very simple with a small wall and a
cement slab for a lid that can be removed when necessary, and other families
actually build a small room with a door and windows over the plot with a trap
door in the floor of the room that can be opened. As loved ones are buried in
these plots, metal plaques of all different kinds with the name and dates are
fixed to the cement covers. This old cemetery actually looks like a miniature
city from a distance. The other cemetery in town was opened in the last few
years and all the graves are below ground. The cemetery’s administration
maintains a nice lawn over the graves and there are a few trees scattered
around the property. In one corner there is a long aviary with red macaws
climbing around and squawking. In this cemetery each grave is marked with a
metal plaque that is level with the ground. This newer cemetery is where Dad
was buried, and by the end of this month there will be a simple metal plaque
installed marking his grave.
Charity, Mom, and Joy |
Well, I think I better start tying this off, but
before I do, I will make a stab at answering the question that a lot of people
have asked Mom and I recently and that is “Now what are you going to do?”. To
be very honest, we aren’t sure what to do.
After thirty plus years in Brazil,
we have plenty of reasons to just stay in Brazil, but at the same time we
have loved ones in the States too and at times the idea of making a home in the
States and being able to speak English :) is quite attractive. So, in short we are undecided, and
thankfully we have a year to think things over and come to a decision,
because it is going to be at least year before the paperwork for Dad’s estate
will be finished and Mom can put the house up for sale.
Right now Mom and I are busy
every day cleaning up the house and finishing up a few projects that Dad left
partially done. After these projects are done, I am thinking about maybe doing
a course of some kind and perhaps even getting a part time job. We will see how
the Lord directs each moment and each day.
During the weeks surrounding Joy's wedding, there were many that rejoiced and celebrated with us. Thank you! During Dad's final months, the week of his death and funeral, and in the weeks since then, there have been many that have sympathized with us and done all they could to support us. Thank you very much! You all have been a comfort and blessing, and we thank the Lord for you!